Monday, 11 October 2010

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels Opening Scene Remake.

To prepare ourselves for our final media piece, we had to remake the opening scene of a film, Myself and Paul decided to remake the popular british film, 'Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.'

Seeing that one of us had never seen the film before, we started off by viewing the Opening Scene, a number of times just to recognise ourselves with the Opening Plot. After this, we typed out a script of the dialog in the opening scene, but seeing that we didn't want to give our actors too much to remember, we cut out a lot of the dialog, we also cut out the stairwell scene that is featured in the original. As well as compiling the dialog, we created a storyboard, these were A3 sheets with sticky notes stuck to them we drew out pictures of each scene and underneath wrote how long it run for, what the action the actor performed and what shot was used, this helped us a lot whilst filming as we knew what went where. It also helped our Actors a lot too.


After all this was done, we began filming, we got our two actors, Charlie who played Bacon and Dan who played Eddie. We started off by shooting the Chase Scene, which is featured at the end of the Opening Scene, this was because it needed less people to shoot, and it was only a short piece that could be out of the way, leaving us room to concentrate on the bigger shots and dialog. It took us a couple of shots to get the last shot right, as they ran past from round the corner, this was because it was a panning shot and I had to switch the zoom quite quickly but we finally got it right in the end.

On the following Monday, we did a lot of filming, this was the dialog scenes and we took many shots as the actors found it hard to remember their lines and how that had to stand.
In total there was four extras, including Paul, they had a few parts but no speaking. Most of our film is the camera mainly focused on Charlie (Bacon) but this is because he had most of the speaking. We use many camera shots on Charlie, but the most popular was close up, just to focus the attention on him.
After a long day of filming, we brought our tape back to the classroom and began editing.

After we had uploaded our recordings, we had to capture it all, this was because some of it was not in order,  we captured it scene by scene so that we could just drag and drop the clips where they needed to be. After all the capturing was done, we put it all in order, so that knew what went where and so that is was easier to cut, this way we could see if we was cutting out any of the other dialog.
We had to cut a lot out, as we did shoot many scenes more than once because the actors either got their lines wrong, I didn't have the camera shot right. After all this was cut down, we added the titles.
    All the way through the opening scene, the titles have the same theme, black background, Typewriter font in white, so this was easy to recreate. The hardest title to do was the last one, as this one has an added Transition, it looked like a type writer was presenting the letters on screen. We found an almost identical Transition for this on Adobe After Effects.

This shows some of our footage, also, it shows the timeline of our clips.

This is a screenshot of our final title. We used an effect from Adobe After Effects.

This is shows how we created our titles. Using this, we could edit the font, size and colour. Also, we could arrange where we wanted it on the page.

Finally, we added the music, this was an easy task to complete as we just got it from the original opening scene and just separated it from the dialog. As ours was a more condensed version, we had to cut the first 5 seconds off of when the music comes in, this is because the Original Actors voices were still on it. But after doing this it worked really well and it certainly gives off the effect we wanted for the ending chase scene.

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