Looking back at your Preliminary Task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?
Since the making of my Preliminary Task, I feel I have improved immensely, especially in camerawork and when it came to editing my final piece, I felt more confident and incontrol.
Since the making of my Preliminary Task, I feel I have improved immensely, especially in camerawork and when it came to editing my final piece, I felt more confident and incontrol.
I learnt alot of things, one of the key things I did learn was the importance of framing, when we filmed our Prelim task, we just kept the camera focused, and paid little attention to what was actually in each scene, for example, in the screenshot of our prelim, you can see the studio lights just sitting in the corner, but when it came to filming my actual coursework, I had to avoid this, especially as we was in a woods, and had nowhere to put the stuff we didn't need, luckily, there was nearly always someone not in a scene and they were able to keep the set clutter free. Luke was the one mostly out of shot, and sometimes we accidentally filmed him in a scene he didnt need to be in, but fortunately I was able to cut him out.
During the course of editing my film, I learnt alot about different techniques and how to make things look amazing, one of these was the Titles. In our Prelim, we just used a basic font for it, stating our names, what it was and what we had titled it, this didnt really work in a sense, as it had no impact, but when it came to my film clip, I needed a font that would give impact, mood and set the theme of the film. I wanted it to be bold and blunt, so that the audience wouldn't miss it, and would want it to create a tension. Titles are very important as it helps entice the audience into your film.
Whilst filming, I also learnt about alot of different camera angles for example, Match on Action, and the 180 degree rule, even though we did use this in our Prelim Task, it did take several shots to get it right, when it came to filming my final piece, I knew how to make the shot perfect when I felt like it wasnt good enough, I would position it how I had ti in my head, and then experiment to see how I could make each shot work to fit in with the emotion of each scene, for example, when Elly is alone, I swerved in and out of her face, to give the impression someone was watching her, I did this for some other scenes aswell, I experimented each time, so each shot had to be redone, but I wanted to get them perfect.
I learnt alot between the gap of the Prelim and filming my final film, going from preparation, all the way down to editing, alongside what I have talked about. When we wrote and planned our Prelim, everything was very basic, like the sloryline and scripts, so when it came to doing all the same thing for my final piece, it could become alot more confusing as it was a bigger storyline and there was alot more to film, as it was a big step. But by making the storyboards very detailed, this helped on the day as I knew what to do and it wasn't so confusing, also, using a match on action shot, helped my conversation have more impact, and helped emotions run higher as Elly had just gone missing.
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